The 'goddess' does, after all, reign atop the US Capitol Building and one of her archetypal manifestations as "Columbia" is well known as namesake of the District. It said Left-Congress combine is poised to get 13-21 seats and Tipra Motha 11-16. During a Zoom interview with The National, ProfLichtman held up a note he received from Mr Trump in 2016 shortly after that prediction came to fruition. The pandemic precipitated the biggest economic crisis in modern history. The Midterm election right now is anybodys ballgame. This election is anybodys ball game so far. In itself this was quite a good clue to the Democrats winning the election. No Internet connection The time from December this year to April 2022 will be again difficult and challenging time for President Biden before the 2022 mid-term election. American People have also asked me if Donald Trump will be Republican candidate for 2024 Presidential Election and can Trump be President again. So far President Joe Biden's astrology predictions for 2021 /2022 are coming correct. Until he changed the constitution to add two extra presidential terms beyond that year. Next, I take each states political trending into consideration. Inflation is a worldwide problem. I had also indicated in my 2021 Biden Astrology predictions that President Biden will face further decline in poll numbers and opposition / enemies will be strong after October 2021. Its a long shot, but its a possibility. Interactive Map Contested 2024. Astrology Made Simple. Polls could be wrong this time, astrologers could be wrong also because the midterm election is happening on the day of eclipse. (When Obama was president, transit Pluto conjoined USAs Venus, then Jupiter, then the Sun.) The Earth element cycle marked the age of capitalism and the exploitation some would say rape of the Earths resources. All 435 seats will be up for election. Attorney General Garland just appointed Special Counsel to take over Biden Classified documents investigation. Go beyond sunsigns and see the personal effect of all the planets in your life. Early voter turnout is very high, 36 million Americans have already voted by November 4, Republicans should be worried. As Pluto conjoins the Moon and Ascendant, Uranus moves into Gemini and trines Pluto. Donald Trump's hold over the GOP party is slowly fading away. My condolences to the families of thirteen marines who were killed in Kabul attack. Past and Future Prediction 2022 2023 2024 by Ashwin Rawal The midterm election results could be delayed by few days because of the eclipse. Conversely, although he stopped just short of making a prediction, Mr Lichtman believes the 2024 presidential vote could be problematic for the Republican party. Take cars for example. Please read the last few lines in my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden in this astrology article. 90% Americans agree that we need background checks before anybody could buy the gun. Certainly, Venus is no stranger to or in Washington, DC. Sun is placed in the 10th House in exchange with Jupiter. In my opinion Donald Trump will be in the first batch of indictments, and many low hanging fruits will be in second batch of indictments. Pluto also squares Putins Ascendant and in the summer of 2026 Uranus conjoins his Moon in Gemini in his 8th house. President Biden will be prone to some health problems during August, September, October, November, December 2022. If Republicans do win the House in 2022, could they promptly lose it again in 2024? Biden / Harris will face decline in poll numbers. We may be done with the indictments by June 1, 2023, but most definitely before July 15, 2023. Too many shooting incidents are happening across the country. Now Donald Trumps indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committees public hearings. We will see how these difficult periods will play out for President Biden. When the voter turnout is high, Republicans loose. Results of the 2024 Presidential Election | Revised Predictions, August 2022. Putin, who was born on the 1953 Saturn-Neptune conjunction, will leave in 2025-26. The inflation and gas prices are high in US, because large corporations are trying to make up for the loss in profits due to a minimum 15% corporate tax that is included in the 'Inflation Reduction Act'. In my opinion this special Master issue will be resolved before last week of October this year, and the investigation will move forward. The astrology prediction for the Midterms 2022 shows a split. The astrology prediction has again come correct. would not survive until the end of their terms. Will Nostradamus' prediction that Narendra Modi will not win the 2024 These are the things we can expect: These are some ideas, but in a few years time when we look back, these ideas will seem quaint. The biennial election for representatives from all 435 Congressional Districts will take place on November 5, 2024. "Rahul Gandhi's favourable period has started and his moon is more powerful than Narendra Modi's moon so my prediction is very clear: Rahul Gandhi will either become the prime minister or . 2024 House Election Interactive Map - 270toWin This will require a whole new set of treaties to avoid global meltdown. Now many people are worried about high inflation and gas prices, and they may vote for the Republican party. January through August 2023 are very difficult months for United States economy, and there will be a war like situation during this time. Corporate Greed and higher gas prices due to Ukraine war, are responsible for the high inflation. When I refer to a states value I mean this adjusted voting margin. Here is my email: In the coming days Trump will be going through very challenging time, the indictment will become almost inevitable as more hidden details will come to surface. In January 2025, Congress will again assemble to tally the states' electoral vote slates. Then in my subsequent astrology updates I had mentioned the time window between March and September 2023. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction takes place every 20 years, but this one is special. This investigation may take some time before it is settled. In fact, turnout is even surpassing 2018 levels. This was true from 1840 to 1960 (when Kennedy was elected), but Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1980, and George W Bush was fine. Donald Trump loss and Joe Biden victory in 2020 Presidential Election, 8 months before the election date (prediction given on internet on April 1, 2020). Donald Trump and Republicans are tired of losing elections again and again! 4. I have studied Kevin McCarthy's astrology chart. 2024 - 2026: The Astrology of the Post-COVID Era - Astrology With Andy Could Kamala Harris Steal the 2024 Election for Biden Or Herself? If Democrats are cautious between Oct 25 and the mid-term election day, will not make any mistakes / gaffes, they have a very good chance of winning the Mid-Term election. Stationary retrograde Saturn from Capricorn sign is powerfully aspecting Bidens natal Mars in Libra sign by its 10th aspect. This time around, using his 13 trends or keyssystem to predict the White House winner, he correctly predicted a Joe Biden victory. We are seeing record-breaking voter turnout across the country. That is why I am very careful this time making bold astrology predictions. My astrology prediction given 2 years ago was that Trump Indictments will come before May 1, 2024, most likely in the time window from March 4, 2023, to July 15, 2023, and Donald Trump will be on the Indictments list. (Note 1) The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius sets the scene for a new socially-conscious style of government ill-suited to the narcissism of Trump. After March 1, 2022, all Trump investigations will move forward at lightning speed. One very good thing that has happened is our democracy survived, and Donald Trumps future in the GOP party is in jeopardy. There are many parallel criminal investigations going on for Trump. World of Wisdom Software. The Moon conjoining Chinas Ascendant show the people ruling its the Peoples Republic of China and in the period from 2025-29 the people will take power and react against autocracy. 29 juin 2022 . Because of Donald Trump Republicans lost the Georgia Senate races in 2020, and Mitch McConnell is Senate Minority Leader. We will be waiting for many days before we know who will control the House and Senate. There will be at least 20 to 30 people who will be indicted besides Donald Trump. They are hoping GOP will win the house and Kevin McCarthy will be the house majority leader, who will then try to impede all Trump investigations. Answer (1 of 6): Congress It is not party it is a living breathing universe in itself. And that also goes for Midterms 2022! The DOJ extended the Grand Jury until March 2023. A few years ago, it seemed impossible to know what this would mean, and how such a transition could take place. Coal, oil, factory farming and the mass production of meat, money, ambition and greed. We are almost done. The initial 'consensus' map is based on the ratings from The Cook Political Report and Sabato's Crystal Ball. They are not going to happen, because every car will be a lot more intelligent that its driver. So let us wait and see which political party will have the momentum going for them between October 25 and November 8, the election day, because that political party will win this mid-term election. Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. Polls appear to be close, but I believe women and young voters between the age 18 and 35 who are registering to vote in large numbers, are underrepresented in the polls. President Joe Biden's approval rating bounced back on Friday to 44 percent, close to the mid-term election, according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports. Mr Lichtman's model looks at several factors in predicting a winner, including party mandate, third-party challenge, social unrest, incumbency and charisma. Heres the thing. The birth time has A rating, not AA rating. I had predicted in the March 3 astrology update that Biden's approval rating will go up in May, June, July this year. In a poll released this Sunday, 54 percent of Americans disapprove of President Bidens job performance, and 71 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. By capturing assumptions from a representative sample of voters, my model may be able to generate a more accurate prediction. This is not the final prediction for the 2024 Presidential Election. The results were delayed also because of eclipse. Young voters usually tend to have a low voter turnout. Republican party and Joe Manchin are giving tough time to President Bident during this time. I repeatedly reaffirmed this prediction, including when the votes began to come in and it looked like Donald Trump might be re-elected, but I understood that no election was final until all the votes were counted, and in most states the mail-in ballots, which were overwhelmingly Democratic, would be counted last.". Who cared about Air? Watch: Who will be the next prime minister of India? What astrologers The final astrology prediction we will make in the beginning of November 2022 before the election date. McCarthy will be in some challenging time just before the midterm election, between Oct 24 and Nov 8, according to his astrology chart. Joe Biden Astrology | Joe Biden Presidential Astrology | Coronavirus Astrology | 2022 Mid-Term Election Astrology Predictions, Joe Biden Astrology | Joe Biden Presidential Astrology | 2022 Mid-Term Election Astrology Predictions | Coronavirus Astrology, JOE BIDEN VEDIC ASTROLOGY | JOE BIDEN ASTROLOGY | CORONAVIRUS VEDIC ASTROLOGY | 2022 MID-TERM ELECTION ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS, Donald Trump Indictment astrology predictions. Things may be looking good for Republicans on the election night because most Republicans vote on the election day, and their votes will get counted first. As I had mentioned in my 2021 astrology predictions for President Biden, May / June 2021 are somewhat difficult months for American people and President Biden. February 22, 2023 SOME THOUGHTS ON MIKE PENCE'S SUBPOENA AND TRUMP INDICTMENT GOP has alienated moderates and independents who decide all elections in US. They could have done it after mid-term election. You will see April, May, June, July, Aug 2023 are really very bad months for Donald Trump, and a challenging time for the country. I immediately thought this is the final stop before we will see the Donald Trump indictment. Therefore I will no longer publish comments from or by "Anonymous." 1917 The Russian revolution, 1953 Stalins death, 1989 the dissolution of the Soviet Union, mark the 36-year Saturn-Neptune conjunction cycle. He may lose his grip as changes sweep through the population. Adjustment 4. The historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 says Trump likely won't make a political comeback in 2024. Democrats have a chance in this mid-term election because of the following, despite President Biden's low approval rating right now: 1. The time between now and April 2022, will be the most difficult and challenging period in President Bidens Presidential Term. The problem is that we dont know President Putins accurate birth time details with AA ratings, which is needed to make accurate astrology predictions about this war. I think whats happened with Donald Trump since the election represents the worst moment in US presidential history, Mr Lichtman said, comparing it with how previous incumbents have reacted. I had also indicated in my President Biden's Astrology article that there will be war like situation in 2023 also. You lose the incumbency key right off the top, and youre much more likely to have an internal party battle for who will be the nominee to take over fromJoe Biden, he said. United States House of Representatives elections, 2024 Yet there have been two notable exceptions to this predictive guide: the successful election of Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 when he whisked away 'the crown' from the head of one-term Republican Herbert Hoover, and the election of Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980 who finagled 'the crown' from one-term Democrat Jimmy Carter. May, June this year and November, December this year will be somewhat difficult months for American people. Will Modi be PM again in 2024? Astrology Prediction My model predicts Democrats will win the 2024 presidential election with a total of 309 electoral votes, while Republicans will have a total of 229 electoral votes: This outcome is discussed in my post 2024 Presidential Election: Democratic Pathways to Victory (see Scenario 3). US Midterms 2022 Astrology Prediction - Jessica Adams I will give astrology predictions about 2022 mid term election in April 2022. We are hoping COVID will be slowly contained after May 1, 2022. Should the winner of the presidential election not be the candidate of any party listed in this market at the time of resolution, all contracts shall resolve to No. by Adrian Duncan | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. Again, this is, According to the Forewoman of the Georgia Grand Jury, Emily Kohrs, the Georgia Grand Jury recommended indictments of multiple people in 2020 Presidential Election interference for range of crimes. The Republican Party currently controls the U.S. House, where 218 seats are needed for a majority (when there are no vacancies). But then the 2020 pandemic arrived. Let us see how Trump and McCarthys challenging and difficult time just before the midterm election impacts GOPs momentum going into the midterm election. Either name yourself or keep your comments to yourself. Plus, a fed-up American public can make a difference as well for if we show up and vote in a landslide it's more difficult for operatives to finagle outcomes their way and against We The People's wishes. Trumps challenging time begins. So, I rectified President Bidens birth time to 8.17.30 AM based on some past important events in his life, and the dates when the important events occurred in President Bidens life. Relax, A Trump Comeback In 2024 Is Not Going To Happen Dont know what the future will bring? Russia You dont have to be a great mathematician to see that the next conjunction will be in 2025, which is the year Putins presidency officially was to end. Republicans are trying to overturn the Roe vs Wade before the mid-term election. We have all indulged our love of private property. Our Democracy and voting rights are on ballot this time. Coronavirus will be contained after Saturn leaves Capricorn sign in April 2022. Electric or hydrogen powered, there will be no exhaust. Many went hungry and are still hungry. Donald Trump's time is little bit positive from now until October 17 this year. There will be decline in poll numbers during this period for President Biden. House Democrats, from progressives to moderates, say they'll support President Joe Biden in the 2024 election after huddling at an annual retreat in Baltimore. As PM Modi projects a BJP win in 2024, Prashant Kishor has this to say By, New Delhi Mar 11, 2022 11:26 AM IST Taking to Twitter, the election strategist said people should. In just a few years time, no company will be able to even sell a diesel or petrol car. Mr Lichtman, however, did say he was surprised by several aspects of the election. You can figure out yourself who is causing inflation in US. If small disputes are left, then there will be an atmosphere of peace and happiness in the house. Kevin McCarthy is in trouble now, because he could not give Red Wave to GOP party in the mid-term election. No more fire. It doesnt look like the Republicans have anyone who fulfils the challenge charisma key, the once-in-a-generation inspirational candidate, like Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan, he said, pointing tothe potential for a power vacuum in the party. Read my lips neither President Biden nor Republicans can fix the inflation and higher gas prices, but recession in 2023 will. My astrology prediction on war between Russia and Ukraine came correct. You can make your own predictions in the Dashboard and see the results at the bottom of the page. It is likely that popular unrest will unseat him at this time. With the Sun at 7 Libra and the Moon at 3 Aquarius, there is rather a wonderful series of grand trines taking place. However, it begins its uninterrupted twelve-year sojourn through Aries (considered the official start of the "Neptune in Aries era") on January 26, 2026. But one big challenge President Biden is facing in 2021 / 2022 is, how quickly the 300+ million Americans can be vaccinated to contain the COVID-19. You can see a list of unique circumstances and related adjustments in the fourth tab of my excel sheet, which is downloadable below. However, the economy is suffering, and the Democrats have not yet made any meaningful changes. 2024 will be the best year in President Biden's first Presidential Term. American Universitys distinguished professor of history, Alan Lichtman, shocked the world when he accurately predicted that Donald Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016. I began by compiling state-level voting margins for all past presidential elections beginning in 1976. President Biden tests positive for COVID, symptoms are mild. Mike Pence has been subpoenaed by Jack Smith, the Special Counsel, investigating Donald Trump last week for his grand jury testimony. The fate of 2022 mid-term election largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this difficult period from December 2021 to March 2022. Neptune rules addiction, alcohol, art, compassion, enlightenment, fantasies, dreams, drugs, ideals . Now the Age of Air begins. Based upon these trends, I believe that the swing states of the 2024 election will be, in increasing order of how Democratic I think they will vote, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. I had predicted May is the time when they will find some solution to this war. By 2040 the air will be clear, the sky blue and the traffic a smooth uninterrupted flow. By studying how each state has voted over time relative to the popular vote, my model allows me to assess presidential voting trends on a state level. For example, in both 1992 and 1996 Bill Clinton fared better in Arkansas than another candidate would have (even after adjusting for the popular vote) because Clinton was from Arkansas and had previously won state-wide elections in Arkansas. See What Tomorrow Brings. Remember my astrology prediction given a year ago in July 2021 was that Trump will be indicted any time before May 1, 2024.The chances are very high Trump will be indicted between October 20 and December 14 this year. But in the second half of the year, there may be problems regarding health, business, love life, work, and many more. So let us hope for a good surprise and pray for the success of our American Democracy. Hes baselessly accusing the other side of widespread fraud when in fact there was no such fraud., ProfLichtman also said that Mr Trumps behaviour was being enabled by those who work directly for him, as well as those who serve in some of the highest positions of power for the Republican Party, such asSenate majority leader Mitch McConnell. I had also indicated during this time opposition / enemies will be strong. Please remember March, April, May, June, July 2023 are very sensitive and challenging months for the country and our economy as well. In the 2016 and 2020 elections, polls famously underestimated Republicans. Jude. Dailyhunt The Economy Also of interest is the so-called Tecumseh curse, which was the prediction that all presidents elected in zero years 1900, 1920, 1940 etc. On election night outside the White House, a very partisan crowd of demonstrators clearly expected Mr Biden to be declared the winner in a clear landslide, but they would have to wait for hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to be counted across the country. Consensus 2024 House Forecast - 270toWin October 20 to December 14 this year is the perfect time window for Donald Trump Indictment if the indictment is coming this year.
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