Chopper then tended to Hatchan's wounds while the doctor and Sanji were met with accusations from the Fish-Man Island citizens. As they worked to repair the Sunny, they later reunited with Luffy, who was traveling with Olga's father Myskina Acier. However, Sanji, Robin, and Franky carried their crewmates into the air to safety. [103], At a changing room, Reiju placed a gelatinous mask on Sanji, which returned his swollen face to normal. As Pudding continued to be split on her feelings toward Sanji, the trio approached Cacao Island. However, Luffy and Chopper begged him not to throw it away and he then tossed the canister to them. When Sanji tried to land a hit, Drake slammed him into the ground with his tail. Nami could not ignore their cries and decided to help them. [28] The captured Straw Hats later woke up in a cell and found parts of a samurai's still-living head. After the fisherman confirmed it, Sanji told the fisherman not to worry. Remembering Judge's warnings, Sanji kicked Luffy off the carriage and coldly told him to leave. Sanji went to the Ryugu Palace to find Zoro, Usopp, Brook, and Pappug. After the Timeskip After the two year timeskip, Sanji now covers his right eye, shows his left eye, and has grown his hair just slightly longer. [149], As Sanji's siblings shielded them from bullets, Sanji was told to escape with Luffy. However, with the help of their seacow, the Caribou Pirates caught up with the Straw Hats and prepared for battle. During this time-skip, the Straw Hat Pirates trained their skills to be better equipped for the New World and the strong enemies that they would encounter along the way. Before they could escape, Sanji, Luffy, and the Vinsmoke Family were subdued by the Charlotte Family. He was later shocked to see Enma's destructive power when Zoro gave it a test swing. He apologized to his crew, explaining it was not his intention to hide things from them. RELATED: One Piece: The Real Reason Whitebeard Didn't Avenge Oden's Death. Wadatsumi tried swimming away, but Oven attacked him with heat waves, forcing him to spit out the Sunny. Sensing Nekomamushi nearby and choosing to resolve the marriage issue himself, he threw Nami, Chopper, and Brook out of Bege's body. Alive Pudding briefly relapsed into her "evil" persona and mocked Sanji by saying that he might be too late. 4 Anime Action Figure. [192] He separated from Luffy and Jinbe to rescue a woman, but he fell into a trap and was captured by Black Maria and her subordinates. He also wore white pants, brown boots, and a yellow bandana. Sanji showed Pudding his injured face and the explosive wristlets, much to Pudding's shock. [64], Eventually, Zoro stopped running, having lost sight of the thief. Sanji later left the balcony while Pudding altered Reiju's memories. Hammond went on to say that because of the humans who left Fisher Tiger to die, there was a law that prevented fish-man and merfolk from sharing blood with humans. The group then watched Hody's speech to Fish-Man Island. The children were excited to see them, but Sanji just wanted to escape the room before they were recaptured. [35] During the raid on Onigashima, Sanji wore a red suit, black shirt, and red tie before briefly changing into a Beasts Pirates attire with the help of Kin'emon's Devil Fruit power. With Chiffon freed, Sanji prepared to back up Bege. On the way to Green Bit, Violet informed Sanji about the Marines present in the country. Sanji, suspecting it was Zoro, showed the old man Zoro's wanted poster (covering up "wanted" and his bounty value) and asked if that was the man. Judge then called upon his men to form a wall between the two of them. However, Luffy's and Sanji's coating had popped so they had to share Zoro's. Upon returning to the Sunny, Sanji was embraced by Nami and Brook. After Sanji kicked through several of the Big Mom Pirates, Oven attempted to attack him and Luffy, enraged after hearing about Katakuri's defeat at Luffy's hand. [127], After Bege transformed into Big Father, Sanji gestured to his father to get inside. He then decided to enter Pudding's room from the balcony. Sanji and Brook laughed when Nami refused to cuddle with an adult Momonosuke. He is the fifth member of Straw Hat Pirates and the cook for the . [175], As the Flower Capital went into high alert, Shinobu and Sanji surveyed the situation from a rooftop. Big Mom then got back on her feet and unleashed another devastating air slash that barely missed them. Hiroaki Hirata;Ikue Otani (young) Sanji, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were seen again in Camie's house meeting and getting reacquainted with Camie. Momonosuke was hesitant to eat at first, but his father encouraged him to do so. After being injured by Doflamingo, Sanji wore bandages around his chest and wore his shirt and suit jacket unbuttoned and over his shoulders. The Straw Hats played a dice game there and won, and were approached by Gild Tesoro, who challenged them. Tricking the security guards into thinking they were World Nobles, Team B intimidated them into allowing them back through the hallway, and they raced up the staircase to the Hyper Suite Room. The Monster Trio defeated the Kraken, but because they were not wearing life-lines, they got separated from the other Straw Hats as the ship went down the "underwater waterfall". While Brle was speaking to Pudding through a Den Den Mushi, Sanji heard about the Straw Hats' planned rendezvous point and Luffy's battle with Katakuri. Episode 517, titled "A New Chapter Begins - The . Sanji intercepted Ikaros and kicked him away. North Blue[7] Kin'emon then went over a plan to attack Onigashima, the island where Kaidou resided, in two weeks. After arriving to their destination, Sanji was overjoyed to see real women again. Sanji swore that he would save Luffy. However, Sanji dodged the shot and it hit the priest instead as Sanji responded by gazing at the surprised shooter with a glare. Sanji then intercepted a group of the fish-men pirates who were about to hurt the princess and then used Diable Jiamble to repel the pirates. As the fight went on, Vergo ended up cracking Sanji's right shin bone. Sanji then attended the honorary banquet with the rest of his friends at Ryugu Palace and was overjoyed beyond words when the mermaid dancers came out. While riding on Rabiyan, Sanji thanked Pudding for her help, causing her to become extremely flustered. As they set course for Cacao Island to retrieve Luffy, Sanji revealed that the Big Mom Pirates were aware of their rendezvous point. Zoro then reminded Luffy of how he had left Ace to do his own thing until his life was in clear danger, and suggested that they do the same for Vivi, which drew ire from Sanji, Luffy, Nami, and Chopper. Bonbori started having dry heaves, and when Franky arrived with the Sunny, the Straw Hats, Olga, and Acier rode up Bonbori's throat as it vomited them out. When they reached the edge of a cliff, they encountered the yetis and got shot at with KYP gas, knocking them out and sending them falling off the cliff towards an icicle trap. Camie introduced them to some of her friends, the Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets. Sanji then collapsed from exhaustion,[213] so Some treated his injuries. However, the mushrooms caused the three of them to become lethargic, and they were captured along with Porche and Hamburg as the Foxy Pirate Komei revealed that this was part of his plan to take down the Straw Hats. During the Arabasta Arc, he wore blue jacket-like attire suited for the desert in addition to orange sunglasses. A bystander claimed that it was the work of fairies. Sanji left Tashigi and Zoro to handle Monet while he and the G-5 Marines started to head towards Nami and Robin's position. The priest then prepared to assassinate Sanji on Big Mom's orders. However, Jinbe told him not to. He and Nami then saw Pekoms and Capone Bege arrive at the island and interact with the minks. As he was then thinking about which version of him could be more useful to Luffy, a man willing to never hurt a female or an emotionless warrior of science, ready to crush anyone on command, he then made up his mind. When Bobbin tried to eat the meat from the bento box, Sanji promptly kicked him into the wall. Law then took Giolla hostage, giving Nami's group enough time to escape, using Coup de Burst. Sanji's group then ran into Brownbeards' men, but the centaurs choose to run instead of fighting. The Straw Hats then slept in a hotel, and tried on disguises later in the day to prepare for their mission. [117] Luffy woke up when he smelled the bento box Sanji was carrying. Olga then rode Elizabeth toward Luffy as the Sunny fell into Bonbori's throat. After Sanji returned to his family's carriage, Luffy yelled to Sanji, saying that he knew that Sanji never meant what he said. However, when Big Mom started her strange scream and incapacitated the Charlotte Family members surrounding the Vinsmokes, Sanji was able to free his family by shattering the hardened candy that had been restraining them. He then watched with the others as the slime began to change its shape. Later they were both given a shock my Nami's Thunder Tempo attack and joined the crew on the deck who were fishing deep sea fishes. [95], With the ocean-going Germa Kingdom assembling at Whole Cake Island, Sanji returned home and reunited with his family for the first time since leaving them 13 years ago. [219], After their baths, Sanji and the others enjoyed the festival alongside the citizens and the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance. Kin'emon replies with his belief that once a man enters a competition, he must aim for the top to be acknowledged as a real man. They read that the paper also explained about Luffy and Law's alliance and the alliance between Kid, Hawkins, and Apoo. Sanji then took off his clothes and jumped into the lake to search for Kin'emon's torso. In Punk Hazard, he was protecting and saving Tashigi. Sanji showed excitement in cooking the fishes of deep sea as a cook. After a bumpy ride across a river, the ship climbed up a waterfall. Judge and Sanji began their duel in a courtyard outside the castle. Gotti, furious at Sanji's disrespect towards Vito, aimed his weapon at Sanji as Vito tried to calm Gotti. 330,000,000[19] 177,000,000 (Only Alive)[20] 77,000,000[12]. Before leaving his family, Sanji styled his hair in the opposite direction and wore a yellow shirt with a black number three on it. mythmastervk 1 mo. Sanji happily stated that he was going to live in Fish-Man Island. When Sanji learned that Big Mom is not a male, he erroneously pictured her as an attractive, slim woman. Upon finding out that their crewmates and Olga were captured by Mad Treasure, Sanji used Sky Walk to race toward Alchemi while Luffy, Acier, and Zoro raced after him on Luffy's water lizard Chavez. [69], Sanji then contacted Franky, who told him to go to the flower field. Sanji then proclaimed that he would rather die while giving perverted looks at mermaids than live a long life and not having his dream come true, much to Chopper and Usopp's shock. After Franky assured Sanji that Nami will be fine with Brook and Chopper with her, Sanji saw a video broadcast from the Corrida Colosseum, which showed Luffy (as Lucy) participating in the tournament. Sanji kicked Niji in the face and broke his jaw, but before Sanji could attack any further, Ichiji reminded Sanji of what would happen to Zeff should he fight back and while his younger brother was distracted, Niji quickly fixed his face, got back up, and knocked Sanji down.
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