There is hereby created a Congressional Oversight Committee (COC) composed of five (5) members each from the Senate and the House of Representatives. From the Statement of Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte: On the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 Today, Republic Act No. Write. The State shall likewise protect and advance the right of families in particular and the people in general to a balanced and healthful environment in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. SEC. Section 25. The State shall also promote openness to life; Provided, That parents bring forth to the world only those children whom they can raise in a truly humane way. Public Awareness. Section 16. In the case of minors, the written consent of parents or legal guardian or, in their absence, persons exercising parental authority or next-of-kin shall be required only in elective surgical procedures and in no case shall consent be required in emergency or serious cases as defined in Republic Act No. [53], Beginning in late 2010, there were rallies for and against the bill. It also states that "abortion remains a crime and is punishable", as the Constitution declares that "the State shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception". The supply and budget allotments shall be based on, among others, the current levels and projections of the following: (a) Number of women of reproductive age and couples who want to space or limit their children; (b) Contraceptive prevalence rate, by type of method used; and. Copy. Maternal Death Review and Fetal and Infant Death Review. The anti-RH advocates accuse the RH supporters of hiding from the public the international population control agenda which includes abortion and they refer to U.S. Secretary Hillary Clinton who said that RH includes abortion. The State shall protect and promote the right to health of women especially mothers in particular and of the people in general and instill health consciousness among them. 20. [65], Fr. On February 7, 2011, the bill was scheduled to go before the House Appropriations Committee. [hereinafter RPRHA]. [23] In addition, the total fertility rate for the richest quintile of the population is 2.0, which is about one third the TFR of the poorest quintile (5.9 children per woman). Aquino stressed, "I'm a Catholic, I'm not promoting it. July 1, 2021. As a Catholic, Aquino said he himself was not promoting artificial contraception but believes that the government should be able to provide it to Filipinos who ask for it". RH Law was passed in 2014 and former President Fidel Ramos urges President Rodrigo Duterte to fully implement the law. (n) Public health care service provider refers to: (1) public health care institution, which is duly licensed and accredited and devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of individuals suffering from illness, disease, injury, disability or deformity, or in need of obstetrical or other medical and nursing care; (2) public health care professional, who is a doctor of medicine, a nurse or a midwife; (3) public health worker engaged in the delivery of health care services; or (4) barangay health worker who has undergone training programs under any accredited government and NGO and who voluntarily renders primarily health care services in the community after having been accredited to function as such by the local health board in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Department of Health (DOH). Match. At least four (4) members of the IRR drafting committee, to be selected by the DOH Secretary, shall come from NGOs. Couples determine their ideal family size. Free choice regarding reproductive health enables people, especially the poor, to have the number of children they want and can feasibly care and provide for. Studies show that 44% of the pregnancies in the poorest, An SWS survey of 2008 showed that 71% of the respondents are in favor of the bill, People's freedom to access contraceptives is not restricted by any opposing law, being available in family planning NGOs, stores, etc. The President of the Catholic Bishops Conference said that there could be an excommunication of the President if he continues his stance. The benefits of responsible parenthood are that it produces children who are well rounded, healthy, and well adjusted. Proponents also accuse the Catholic Church of holding the Philippines "hostage" and violating the separation of church and state. After 13 years of arduous advocacy and steadfast crusade of RH champions, the controversial Reproductive Health bill was enacted as Republic . Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive health Act of 2012 RA 10354. SEC. It entails equality in opportunities, in the allocation of resources or benefits, or in access to services in furtherance of the rights to health and sustainable human development among others, without discrimination. [27], In a recent development, two authors of the Reproductive Health Bill changed their stand on the provisions of the bill regarding population and development. The MHCS shall deliver health care goods and services to its constituents, more particularly to the poor and needy, as well as disseminate knowledge and information on reproductive health. Thus, the Population Commission was created to push for a lower family size norm and provide information and services to lower fertility rates. ", Filipino Freethinkers, an association of agnostics, atheists, progressives, etc., very active in the fight in favor of the RH bill, stepped up the pressure, creating more controversy that fired up renewed interest in the bill on both sides. 27. Section 26. Section 21. 1. Leaders of both sides, including Rep. Lagman and Rep. Golez, were present. Created by. Pro Bono Services for Indigent Women Separability Clause, Repealing Clause, Effectivity, The bill mandates the government to "promote, without biases, all effective natural and modern methods of family planning that are medically safe and legal. B. Reproductive Health Law allows us to have the access to a full range of methods, facilities, services and supplies that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by addressing reproductive health-related problems. Repealing Clause. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, also known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, and officially designated as Republic Act No. For the purposes of this Act, midwives and nurses shall be allowed to administer lifesaving drugs such as, but not limited to, oxytocin and magnesium sulfate, in accordance with the guidelines set by the DOH, under emergency conditions and when there are no physicians available: Provided, That they are properly trained and certified to administer these lifesaving drugs. The total fertility rate for women with a college education is 2.3, about half that of women with only elementary education (4.5). Separability Clause. BENIGNO S. AQUINO IIIPresident of the Philippines, The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation. Penalties [9] Age-appropriate reproductive health and sexuality education is required from grade five to fourth year high school using "life-skills and other approaches. Proponents such as 14 Ateneo de Manila University professors, argued thus: "Studies show that the majority of women who go for an abortion are married or in a consensual union (91%), the mother of three or more children (57%), and poor (68%) (Juarez, Cabigon, and Singh 2005). [19][20], The Philippines is the 39th most densely populated country, with a density over 335 per square kilometer,[21] and the population growth rate is 1.9% (2010 Census),[22] 1.957% (2010 est. Belmonte said it is better that highly contentious bills be given more attention. Section 19. The Secretariat of the COC shall come from the existing Secretariat personnel of the Senate and the House of Representatives committees concerned. The editorial of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, moreover, stated that Catholic teaching is "only" a religious teaching and should not be imposed with intolerance on a secular state. Section 15. According to these economists, which include Solita Monsod, Gerardo Sicat, Cayetano Paderanga, Ernesto M. Pernia, and Stella Alabastro-Quimbo, "rapid population growth and high fertility rates, especially among the poor, do exacerbate poverty and make it harder for the government to address it", while at the same time clarifying that it would be "extreme" to view "population growth as the principal cause of poverty that would justify the government resorting to draconian and coercive measures to deal with the problem (e.g., denial of basic services and subsidies to families with more than two children)". It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relationship. (a) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood; (b) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development; PCUP's move to secure a partnership with the POPCOM is in support of Republic Act 10354, otherwise known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law of 2012, which provided universal access to methods on contraception and fertility control. Provided, That LGUs may implement its own procurement, distribution and monitoring program consistent with the overall provisions of this Act and the guidelines of the DOH. Terms in this set (21) Reproductive health. RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD INFORMED CHOICE Effective and quality reproductive healthcare services, which are ethically and medically safe, legal, accessible and affordable shall be given. SEC. Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education Joaquin Bernas, S.J, one of the drafters of the Philippine Constitution and a prominent lawyer and writer, explained that the concept of separation of church and state is directed towards the state, rather than the church, as it is a political concept. [citation needed], European Union Ambassador to the Philippines Alistair MacDonald said "We have all seen the figures on illegal abortion a year in the Philippines and I very much hope that both Houses of Congress will take these issues into account in producing a reproductive health legislation which will really help people make their own choices and to provide for their families. (r) Reproductive health care program refers to the systematic and integrated provision of reproductive health care to all citizens prioritizing women, the poor, marginalized and those invulnerable or crisis situations. Among other points, they proposed a study on the meaning of conception in the Constitution, and if it means fertilization, abortifacients "are to be banned even now and regardless of whether the RH Bill is passed". Unbridled population growth stunts socioeconomic development and aggravates poverty". What are the benefits do we get from Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act? It also includes neonatal interventions which include at the minimum: newborn resuscitation, provision of warmth, and referral, blood transfusion where possible. The TFR for women with college education is 2.3, about half that of women with only an elementary education (4.5 children per woman). [72], On January 31, 2011, six different bills were consolidated into a single RH Bill which was then unanimously approved for plenary debate by the House Committee on Population and Family Relations. The pro-RH people accuse the anti-RH group of misleading the public by calling the bill an abortion bill, when the bill states that abortion remains a crime and is punishable. Technically it means "non-establishment of religion," as the Constitution states, "No law shall be passed respecting an establishment of religion." Presidential candidate Gilbert Teodoro or Gibo suggested a cash transfer from the government to individuals wanting access to family planning methods, whether natural or artificial. Section 28. Prohibited Acts. [2], The history of reproductive health in the Philippines dates back to 1967 when Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was among the heads of state who signed the Declaration on Population. SEC. The advancement and protection of womens human rights shall be central to the efforts of the State to address reproductive health care. [2], In 2015, the Supreme Court's issued a temporary restraining order on certain provisions of the law, forbidding the distribution of contraceptive implants. 18. Section 4. [87], On July 16, the justices voted 87 to extend the status quo ante order, which would have expired the next day "until further orders effective immediately. [77] Columnist Jose Sison of the Philippine Star criticized that "a Catholic School of theology has actually proposed in public, the use of tax payers' money to train Filipinos to employ methods that are objectively and intrinsically evil" and cites "empirical evidence and scientific proofs confirming the harmful and evil effects of contraceptives to individuals and to society. [64] Former Finance Secretary Roberto de Ocampo stated that these punitive provisions "are tantamount to an affront to civil liberties and smack of religious persecution". Emergency Obstetric Care They illustrate the connection between rapid population growth and poverty by comparing the economic growth and population growth rates of Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, wherein the first two grew more rapidly than the Philippines due to lower population growth rates. It is also Informally known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law. Philippine Daily Inquirer / 07:22 AM July 22, 2019. critique on the responsible parenthood and reproductive health act of 2012, republic act no. [26] Thus, they refer to the HSBC 2012 projection for 2050 that the Philippines will be 16th largest economy due to its large growing population, and those whose populations are decreasing will suffer decline. On February 16, 2011, the bill was endorsed by the House Appropriations Committee with amendment and referred back to the Population Committee for finalizing the language. On September 30, 2010, one of the freethinkers, Carlos Celdran staged a protest action against the Catholic Church, holding a sign which read "DAMASO," a reference to the villainous, corrupt clergyman Father Dmaso of the novel Noli Me Tangere by Filipino revolutionary writer Jose Rizal, and shouting "stop getting involved in politics!" [10] At the national level, fertility reduction cuts the cost of social services with fewer people attending school or seeking medical care and as demand eases for housing, transportation, jobs, water, food, and other natural resources. Those with fewer than 200 workers shall enter into partnerships with health professionals for the delivery of reproductive health services. Any violation of this Act or commission of the foregoing prohibited acts shall be penalized by imprisonment ranging from one (1) month to six (6) months or a fine of Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the competent court: Provided, That, if the offender is a public officer, elected or appointed, he/she shall also suffer the penalty of suspension not exceeding one (1) year or removal and forfeiture of retirement benefits depending on the gravity of the offense after due notice and hearing by the appropriate body or agency. [14] The bill is "meant to prevent maternal deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth", said Clara Padilla of Engender Rights. Family planning is planning for the family in all aspects of life financially, emotionally, physically, and many more. This Act shall be liberally construed to ensure the provision, delivery and access to reproductive health care services, and to promote, protect and fulfill womens reproductive health and rights. The guide below will discuss 18 family planning methods available today. "[17][46] Pulse Asia reported that in an October 2008 survey "most Filipinos are aware of the reproductive health bill pending at the House of Representatives (68%) and are in favor of the bill (63%)". Explanatory posters/pictures showing the human reproductive system; Explanatory videos on human reproductive system; TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS. We are thus deeply disturbed and saddened by calls made by some members of the Catholic Church to reject a proposed legislation that promises to improve the wellbeing of Filipino families, especially the lives of women, children, adolescents, and the poor". BG music used:Motivational Uplifting Cinematic Background Music | Royalty Free Credits to: WavebeatsMusic - Royalty Free Music [3][4][5] The Philippines agreed that the population problem should be considered as the principal element for long-term economic development. It gives right for personal decisions like abortion if mothers health is in threat. [dubious discuss], On TV5's Debate Hamon sa Pagbabago on August 21, 2011, the studio audience voted 100% against the bill, while 58.7% of the viewers voted against the RH Bill via text messaging, versus 41.3% in favor. All MHCS shall be operated by LGUs of provinces and highly urbanized cities. The COC shall be headed by the respective Chairs of the Committee on Health and Demography of the Senate and the Committee on Population and Family Relations of the House of Representatives. I. Explain your rules and decisions 10. Appropriations. 10354) o mas kilala sa karaniwang tawag na Reproductive Health Law o RH Law , ay isang batas na nilikha upang siguraduhin ng pamahalaan na mayroong universal access ang mga mamamayan sa iba't ibang paraan ng contraception, family planning, sex education at . The bill intends to provide universal access through government funding, complementing thus private sector initiatives for family planning services, such as those offered by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) which supports the Family Planning Organizations of the Philippines and the 97 organizations of the Philippine NGO Council. [79], At 3 in the morning on December 13, 2012, the House of Representatives voted on second reading in favor of the bill with 113109 while five representatives abstained. (s) Reproductive health rights refers to the rights of individuals and couples, to decide freely and responsibly whether or not to have children; the number, spacing and timing of their children; to make other decisions concerning reproduction, free of discrimination, coercion and violence; to have the information and means to do so; and to attain the highest standard of sexual health and reproductive health: Provided, however, That reproductive health rights do not include abortion, and access to abortifacients. For example, the 1992 study of Ross Levine and David Renelt, which covered 119 countries over 30 years (versus a University of the Philippines study of 3 countries over a few years). Some deem its implementation as a great way to curb population growth while others are still throwing moral punches. A fan page, Free Carlos Celdran was created in Facebook, which generated 23,808 fans in 24 hours. In 2003, USAID started its phase out of a 33-year-old program by which free contraceptives were given to the country. [13], Proponents argue that smaller families and wider birth intervals resulting from the use of contraceptives allow families to invest more in each child's education, health, nutrition and eventually reduce poverty and hunger at the household level. Ang Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10354, is a Philippine law that provided universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care in the Philippines. Critique on the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 - 10354 also known as RH - Studocu Critique on the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 critique on the responsible parenthood and reproductive health act of 2012, republic Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home (12) Mental health aspect of reproductive health care. Signed into law by Aquino in December 2012, the Republic Act 10354 or the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act faced many hurdles in its implementation especially after the Supreme Court struck down some of its provisions as well as a budget cut by Congress for its implementation for 2016 by nearly P1 billion. The law will take effect 15 days after its . These bills have been seen either as a nullification of the RH Bill, its alternative, or as a way of achieving unity among the populace, since the RH Bill proponents have stated their concern in preventing abortion. [9], The national government and local governments will ensure the availability of reproductive health care services like family planning and prenatal care. [16] He said that the Papal Commission on Birth Control, which included ranking prelates and theologians, recommended that the Church change its teaching on contraception as it concluded that "the regulation of conception appears necessary for many couples who wish to achieve a responsible, open and reasonable parenthood in today's circumstances". Section 14. An offender who is an alien shall, after service of sentence, be deported immediately without further proceedings by the Bureau of Immigration. 23. There are several studies cited by those who support the bill: President Aquino stated he was not an author of the bill. Its staunch opposition to the bill has drawn the controversy among non-Catholics and Catholics alike who support the bill whereby many invoke the principle of separation of church and state. [16], The University of the Philippines School of Economics presented two papers in support of the bill: Population and Poverty: the Real Score (2004), and Population, Poverty, Politics and the Reproductive Health Bill (2008). at 5. The forty-eight (48) hours annual pro bono services shall be included as a prerequisite in the accreditation under the PhilHealth. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act:. Students also viewed Gender and Society Preface Appreciating Diversity Francisco Montalvan of the Inquirer said that in the end the Damasos are the scheming, corrupt and deceptive people, implying that the "pro-death advocates" are these, while the Cardinal Rosales who started a nationwide fund for the poor is very far from Damaso. [12], Opponents refer to a 2003 study of Rand Corporation, which concluded that "there is little cross-country evidence that population growth impedes or promotes economic growthpopulation neutralism has in fact been the predominant school in thinking among academics about population growth for the last half-century". Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-three day of July, two thousand twelve. President Ferdinand Marcos pushed for a systematic distribution of contraceptives all over the country, a policy that was called "coercive", by its leading administrator. (a) Pursuant to the herein declared policy, the DOH shall serve as the lead agency for the implementation of this Act and shall integrate in their regular operations the following functions: (1) Fully and efficiently implement the reproductive health care program; (2) Ensure peoples access to medically safe, non-abortifacient, legal, quality and affordable reproductive health goods and services; and. "[9], The bill also mandates the Department of Labor and Employment to guarantee the reproductive health rights of its female employees. RA 10354 , na kilala rin bilang "Ang Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" , ay nilagdaan sa isang batas at naganap noong Enero 17, sa gitna ng pagpapatuloy pagsalungat at pagdududa ng ilang mga sektor ng lipunan. The individuals can then make use of the cash they receive to purchase birth control devices they may choose, thus guaranteeing freedom of choice. Sexual and Reproductive health Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Congressman Roilo Golez and Buhay party-list separately filed bills that seek to restrict abortion and birth control use. Therefore, there will be no unwanted pregnancy for the couple. SEC. Capability Building of Barangay Health Workers Stages of Responsible Parenthood Parenting is a process by which parents and children grow and develop, each influencing the other throughout their lives. SEC. fResponsible Parenthood Is simply defined as the "will" and ability of parents to respect and do the needs and aspirations of the family and children. During the first public hearing on Nov 24, the chair of the Committee on Population handling the bill said that there is no instruction from the Speaker of the House to expedite the bill. "The passage into law of the Responsible Parenthood Act closes a highly divisive chapter of our historya chapter borne of the convictions of those who argued for, or against this Act, whether in the legislative branch or in civil society," paliwanag ng opisyal. The survey concluded that 92% of people in metropolitan Manila rejected the bill, "85 percent are not aware that once passed the RH bill would allow teenagers to secure 'abortifacient devices and substances' without their parents' knowledge and consent90 percent do not agree that Congress should appropriate P2billion to the detriment of other essential medicines for free children's vaccinations, treatment of dreaded diseases and other more important health and medical concerns. (e) Family planning refers to a program which enables couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and to have access to a full range of safe, affordable, effective, non-abortifacient modem natural and artificial methods of planning pregnancy. (m) Natural family planning refers to a variety of methods used to plan or prevent pregnancy based on identifying the womans fertile days. It means that the state should be guided by the principle that it should support no specific religion and so government funding should not be allocated for building churches or mosques and not favor any particular religion. Section 22. 6 An Act Providing for a National Policy on Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health, Rep. Act No. Reporting Requirements. 9 Id. Section 6. When a couple agrees to practice this, they will only have the number of children they can afford to support. Benefits for Serious and Life-Threatening Reproductive Health Conditions Oral arguments concluded on August 27, with the petitioners against and for the law being instructed to submit memorandums within 60 days. Section 17. Aid recipients such as the Philippines faced the challenge to fund its own contraception program. Declaration of Policy. SEC. What you do matters 2. [40][41][42], Fourteen professors from Ateneo de Manila University, a prominent Catholic University, considering the empirical evidence of the dire socioeconomic conditions of the Filipino poor, urged that the bill be passed to help them. The State shall provide age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education to adolescents which shall be taught by adequately trained teachers informal and nonformal educational system and integrated in relevant subjects such as, but not limited to, values formation; knowledge and skills in self-protection against discrimination; sexual abuse and violence against women and children and other forms of gender based violence and teen pregnancy; physical, social and emotional changes in adolescents; womens rights and childrens rights; responsible teenage behavior; gender and development; and responsible parenthood: Provided, That flexibility in the formulation and adoption of appropriate course content, scope and methodology in each educational level or group shall be allowed only after consultations with parents-teachers-community associations, school officials and other interest groups. . You cannot be too loving 3. 10354, is a Philippine law that provided universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care in the Philippines. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act 2012, insures the child and mother gets the best care during and pregnancy.. 10354, sec. [36], The position of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) "is founded strongly on the principle that 'life or conception begins at fertilization' at that moment where there is fusion or union of the sperm and the egg and thus a human person or human being already does exist at the moment of fertilization".
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