I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. What you have to look at here is Nemelka has been divorsed 5 times. The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. The United States in every aggression against other belief systems, is killing Christ again and again according to the Bible. I am not exaggerating, I am publishing a book about being the transitional target of that young woman. Members of the Mormon Church who are familiar with Nemelka tend to look upon him with disdain. I have looked for truth and confirmations of the Spirit more than any other person I have ever known without exception. We cant judge each other, but God can and will. Christopher doesnt need me. By knowing the fullness of truth I understand and teach better than I ever did before. But I dont exactly hold them blameless either. It seems to me the leaders of this organization does not want this information getting out, perhaps because the book condemns their practices and reveals their priest crafts ,secret works and combinations, but it also says they can repent turn from their wickedness and still hold high standings in the community, if not they will be utterly destroyed . Lucifers position is that it is too difficult and we cannot succeed. The truth is, because as a human race we have failed to accept real truth, our constant discord and unrighteous dominion over one another inhibits our ability to be truly tested. Your Name? Celestial kingdom is not celestial because of where it is, but because of who is in it. What you call lying I call allowing those around me to exist in peace. to the hardness of their hearts and blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end (a new American scripture, the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 14). Gods ultimate goal is for all of us to be happy, and he knows best where to place each of us based on the choices we make. Same with the other kingdoms. Christians dont want to see that. But they are at times responsible for unrighteous dominion. All we need to do is ask for their help, as Marilyn did. then rewrote it with bible language. Thats why psychopathy comes with the label that the disorder is incurable. To minimize that are dismiss it in any way is a step toward apostasy. He taught Peter James and John things he didnt teach the 12. It is merely something that leads people to judge less and feel more peace about who they are.. The Christians dont want to accept the fact that they alone are responsible for what they do. a man was punished only for the They have both clearly done the same thing. If you want to talk about hypocrisy, what about saying that the Father loves each and every child of God but uses the church as an excuse to shun gays? I personally reject the claim the gospel never changes in the LDS church, the gospel never changes but is independent of any organization. Theyre not going to be talking about scriptures or anything else, because thats all invented by men., Instead, Nemelka says, these advanced human beings are going to teach us all how to be humane with each other, how to love each other, how to take care of each other. But our own pride causes us to reject these truths and we instead assume our forefathers to be righteous and inspired in the laws that they passed. Nevertheless, there was no These books would convince the sincere seeker of Real Truth about religion and how it destroys the human race, and what they have done through religion to save the human race. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the Sermon on the Mount. They do good sure, buy why donate with charity on occasion and let everyone else starve, when poverty can be solved worldwide without the need for any charity organization to ensure the poor stay poor? the laborer in Zion to perish. However, good and evil are not universal. Amazon.com: Christopher Marc Nemelka: libros, biografas, blogs Most people do this. And how many general authorities have said we can trust the standard works and that they will not mislead us? of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. Salt Lake Tribune religion reporter Peggy Fletcher Stack recalls her interview with "Mormon bomber" Mark Hofmann and the fear that swept through the LDS history community in the wake of his . Nemelka claimed that he too, met the advanced human beings that Joseph met. He believes that every human is a god and all people are advanced human beings going through a mortal experience. He says, Our creators live in another galaxy way, far away, but not in a Star Wars type., His [Joseph Smiths] last sermon was simply that, that human beings are gods. So I dont really believe that you wish to talk to me without purpose of eventual conversion, when the church teaches you must, at the very least, convert my heart to Christ, and baptism into the church as a secondary goal as the current general authorities instruct. As for Christopher, Who are you to Judge Him. It is a main theme to the Book of Mormon! The one Christopher translate is almost exact copy of original. The Jews feel justified from their beliefs, the Muslims in theirs, and the US feels justified in keeping their own soil safe by funding a war with weapons in the US. We will all be held accountable for what we know and what we do with what we know. That will hold you in a lower kingdom where you cannot progress, which validates Lucifers original position, its too hard, they can success and I will prove it. Allot of it is disconnected. There isnt one person I know if that understands the work as well as I do who still goes to church. Vessels converted to Mormonism in his college years, served an LDS mission, married in an LDS temple, and fulfilled several church callings before coming to the conclusion in November of 2008 that Nemelka is the bearer of the message of Christ to all the world. As a result of this decision, his wife of 32 years divorced him and he was excommunicated from the LDS Church. Name already in use - Github he that putteth his trust in the I still see no problem accepting the stories as being just stories if the principles are true. I may teach or say something that isnt true, but its only because i didnt know it was false, once I do, i abandon it. While both Christ and Smith tried to give their people real truth, it was rejected by their peers so they gave them something they were more able to accept based upon biblical scripture as theyd been taught in previous generations. I cannot grasp your reality. To those with whom I have shared this planet for the past 60 years, who have rejected me and the work in which I have been involved, I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminati. ) Once the Holy Ghost is in the lives of those who repent and listen to its promptings, this is sufficient authority to guide personal actions. I know there are plenty of psychopaths that use the church as their mask of purity and innocence. Lies often hide behind truth and are well interwoven together. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the, in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. They seem to always want to eliminate judgement under the guise of Love each other. These same concepts were integrated into the ancient Roman Catholic Church and were responsible for saving the Eastern part of the Great Roman Empire. If God spoke the truth just as it was in heaven and NOT on earth, we wouldnt understand one dang thing he said. No leader who practices such dominion can hold the priesthood or priesthoods. I was challenging everyone on these message boards to search for and find the truth in all things. Judgement. I was just reminded of what a slimy parasite Chris Nemelka is. When the American people ignored the unsealed part, the Real Illuminati recruited me to help them publish the prophesied greater, sealed, portion of the plates. We live this mortal life to prove to ourselves what level of glory we will achieve and what will make us happiest based upon our own free will to be who we want to be. prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. They are the same. DAILY BLOG Archives - Page 3 of 28 - Christopher Nemelka Skip to content Toggle Navigation Home Books Journal Videos Livestream Personal History Videos DAILY BLOG COFFEE WITH CHRISTOPHER Explaining how important the MWAW is to human existence COFFEE WITH CHRISTOPHER Explaining how important the MWAW is to human existence Dismisses the need for authority For this reason, my personal website has been shut down to the world. . Change). I do understand Satans subtle temptations. Just so you realize my above statement is not arrogance, it is instead how I see every individual on this earth. If you didnt receive the same message from both works, you havent fully read and understood them. While I respect our country and those who sacrifice their lives, sometimes it is for the wrong reason. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the, in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. I no longer have any interest in or responsibility for continuing to warn the people of this world about what is soon to happen upon this earth. unto the world, that they may get Ive read the Book of Mormon and the majority of Christophers writings. If you recall the Lamanites were always the majority and always fought against the Christian believer. Josephs mission was to do one thing, and one thing only, to counterbalance the biblical world that transformed our world into one of arrogance, pride, hate, bigotry, and inequality.. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their, shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation., It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. The Sealed Portion was not made up by Christopher. sweet for bitter! I have seen LDS members say they prayed and the Holy Ghost told them the Sealed Portion was not true. shall be given by the power of the As many many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA the Mormon church) believe that the Book of Mormon gives divine proof of Joseph Smiths calling, a similar validation is given to Nemelka by his followers. If the BOM is not true, then the sealed portion is also not true. She broke her vows with both guys to inflict emotional pain upon them as a way of convincing herself emotions are weak. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. Whereas Joseph Smith, Jr. was the Author and Proprietor of the 1830 Book of Mormon, I was the Author and Proprietor of the 2004 The Sealed Portion. and who can blame the church for showing them the door? She writes: Ive always been in perfect health, so I was devastated when, after a regular checkup, doctors diagnosed me with breast cancer. Over the many years that I have been involved with this group, I have written and published thousands of pages of important and relevant information that, if sincerely considered, would help a person open their mind to an understanding of Real Truth. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. To do that, you would need to study Christophers books more. mwaw, Author at Christopher Nemelka - Page 21 of 36 Let me state them again. You state only children cannot judge between what is right and wrong. Christ taught his disciples more than the taught the populace. I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. It hasnt actually started yet. Dont get me wrong, I do love the general authorities. To accomplish this, they invented, wrote, and published a new Christian narrative about the, of Jesus Christ. As a starter, the video is greatly shortened to take what he says out of context. Because they look around and they see what human beings are like. He began reporting that, although the gold plates were a prop that inspired both him and Joseph Smith to get involved,. Please explain why the sealed portion is distasteful? 18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. 2nd Nephi 2: Something only the US could give away so freely because of their continually advancing war machine that is the greatest beast upon all the earth. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the Book of Mormon. The only preach for material gain and the glory of men. My parents didnt call me Real Truth by Fire, how perceptive of you. Is there evil in the world. The final phase of my role is to explain the Real Truth about the universe, this world, and the individual person. . When did you first meet Christopher Marc Nemelka? - Quora I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. . He teaches us to violate the law, Christ teaches us to follow it. Jesus is the Christ, son of God, atoned for our sins, broke the chains of death, was the first born human to be resurrected from the dead, has an immortal body, and will be our final judge. So we are in agreement that those who know better are accountable. Thank you! This planet we call earth is filled with ignorance but that doesnt diminish my love and friendship towards them. will be in the future. Fiennes, Pas-de-Calais I learn from a group known as the Real Illuminati. Nemelka claims to have special insight into every recorded event in history via two rocks he claims to have in his possession called the Urim and Thummim. What I have written so far about my life is a compilation of my initial thoughts as I contemplate writing my autobiography. The love of our Lord! And if the Book of Mormon is true, why are there so many gospel truths in the church that cannot be confirmed by modern revelation? The Joseph Smith Biography however, is based upon the Book of Mormon, the Sealed Portion, Sacred Not Secret, and Human Reality. To explain their intent and what motivated them to write a new American scripture and introduce it to early America, the Real Illuminati instructed me to write a seriesa Trilogyof books. So your whole premise is false. But she said the family is also somewhat comforted knowing now that the couple charged with murdering her have been incarcerated for more than a year and that the killing appears to be the result of a random attack. (Isaiah 29:14). Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the, The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. We need to accept some people wont measure up to their original ambitions if it is the true gospel that leads them. That is a chief ingredient to the existence of terrorism. The former is a categorical denial of service that is deeply problematic. Its not the Truth. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14. When we do sin, Christ gives us the atonement, (thats love) Lucifer excuses it as not a sin (thats bondage). again, hurr durr, tits or gtfo. They refused to lift arms against their former brethren, the Lamanites, even to the point of being slaughtered by the sword. Do you not know the answers, or just dont want to answer? There are all kinds of grammatical and spelling errors a whole bunch of profanity and a lot of holes yet to fill in the narrative. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom, the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. Most of the world's misery is caused by those who are misled by the Bible's teachings and also by those who interpret and teach their followers that it is the ultimate "word of God." It is NOT the word of God. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the. You are condemning them, not loving them. That the readers may know to what lengths the adversary will go, we must shine the light on the machinations involved. Instead, it has become one of the most corrupt nations upon the earth, causing a division among its own people and establishing an economic standard that keeps billions of people in the captivity of poverty and inequality. In a word, the Book of Mormon is clear regarding the order in which other writings will come forth. Or you dont like the answers? The Sealed Portion - The Final Testament of Jesus Christ Apr 6, 2005. by Christopher Marc Nemelka . I can't say enough how all of those involved were taken for a ride down a very unrewarding rabbit hole. If you dont fully agree with them go and start your own movement. There is evil, and it works constantly. God is self, who we would be if we werent here in mortality that puts a veil over our eternal selves. I assume from what you wrote that the Sealed Portion in nothing more than a fictitious novel based on the Book Of Mormon. Christopher Nemelka Has Admitted the Sealed Portion is a Scam 4:08-4:19 of the following video will be of special interest to those dealing with this issue. True repentance is following Christ with all our hearts. It would be a purity of heart despite the misery and death he caused those around him. . They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Truth will always hold each of us accountable, False will always say that we are not accountable. . What do you think would happen to these supposedly evil people when they realize they can survive without effort and are supported by those who had the right to kill them? So it is in this world. They didnt even read it! We can spend hours delving into how responsible a person is for following his country or his church leaders. When and who holds the priesthood varies on policies. unto man that he should act for And everyone else on this planet are Christian or have eastern beliefs I only share belief with in part. Is Nemelka a fraud? This weekend, Christopher Nemelka, the self-claimed author of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon, and his supporters will host a broadcast of his entire work in Liberty Park.--- Nemelka appeared in City Weekly as the subject of cover story "Sealed Fate," which charted the curious saga of his relationship with the great-great .
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