Actually, the Delta incident like you called it was proven to be false just like the other so-called incidents its hard for him to do those things when hes out of the country! Linda A. Smith, 63, of Holland, Erie County, who worked as Circle Cs business manager between 2005 and2006, said shefelt honoredto be working atthe Ranchwhen she was first hired. settle down now. Its not about that, it should be all about God. So God can bless us for it. Defined under legal terminology, (in which I have an understudy degree in law) is most frequently referred to as a subpeona. I dont even have to examine the fruit in your life to know thats more than what youve done. Lily, your bitterness is showing. Once again, my fault with Charasmania is that its beliefs are wrong, thus discounting its actions. Around the same time,The Chapel hiredMinistrySafetoformally investigateclaimsofAarums abuse. Hey, anonymous: I guess no one reads my writing except you, who keeps coming back to my site five times a day to leave anonymous comments calling me gay and asshole. By his own mandate he could have stoned the woman caught in adultery. I just hold Gods name in high esteem. I agree with Lily on the things that she compares with the Bible. Also attorneys dont issue warrants, judges do. Church Online is a place for you to experience God and connect with others. First off, Pastor Michael has never preached or obviously practiced abstinence. Watch - One is Ricky Payne, 20, a bearded man police describe as a hippie. Wheres your god for them? In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. Cornerstone Church - YouTube Let me know what happens this birthday! Who cares what kind of outward gifts he gives. You are right, I notice something about Toledo Area. No. Updated: 11:03 PM CST January 30, 2020 SAN ANTONIO The brother of a San Antonio megachurch pastor was arrested Wednesday and charged with indecency with a child by contact and continuous . No matter how broken and desperate you are, He is still a miracle-working God. His parents were raised attending church regularly. Jakes and Mark Chirona who have both recently had Michael Pitts in to preach. I know for a fact that he offered no excuses for his actions. Pastor Pitts hired some very fine attorneys and, in the end, all charges except for two criminal trespass misdemeanors were suddenly dropped. Suppose someone was to lay out all that you, Josh, have done in the past 12 years, Im sure it would be somewhat less than flattering. The church is very huge and the people seem nice but a little clicky which isn't ideal. LASTLY: I am a family member, and I know him well. She added that the difference between the strict rules for teenagecamp staff membersand the operational freedom thatAarum seemed to have as a senior leaderwasstark;You start to see the dichotomy of how the kids are treated and how Wayne was untouchable as far as what he was allowed to do, she said. hmmmmmm, woulda never pegged her for a pastors wife, until I was actually told who she was. In fact, Pastor Pitts is ministering more now than ever. Improve this listing All photos (14) Top ways to experience nearby attractions Self Guided "Detroit's Spirit and History" Solo Walking Tour 4 Protesters demand accountability for Cornerstone Church leaders - WTOL His kids dont defame people for all the world to see. How are offerings handled? Cornerstone Church Toledo Sex Abuse Lawsuits - Meet # - Facebook How does being arrogant and manipulative have anything to do with intelligence? The Bible mention false prophets. It's sad that now Bishop Pitt's daughter and her husband have been thrown under the bus to continue the legacy to bring harm to the people of God. Matt Hagee, who is the lead pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, released a statement on November 18, 2021 regarding the controversial ReAwaken America Tour event that took place at his church last week. Downtown Fresno church victorious in lawsuit against state I thought you were never coming back Julie. Hi Romesha, It wasnt until this year that I saw (these moments)for the evil that they really are, McDonaldsaid in a recording of the meeting. In multiple letters and meetingsover the past year,The Chapel pastors haveimploredthe board ofCircle C Ranchtohear and consider the womens allegations. A subpoena is what you and your understudy degree are referring to which is: a formal order commanding a person to appear in court under penalty. This was shortly before the first arrest. I just recieved this email from a friend. By now you would think that everyone at Cornerstone should be rolling in wealth. Yes I am. His alleged penchant for public masturbation only became a story after he was facing criminal indictment. Advocating for sexual abuse survivors If you were sexually abused by a #MattRasor, Chief Financial Officers of Cornerstone Church - Maumee/ Toledo, we want to help. Does anyone know if this is true? By the way, its Michael, not MIchael easy isnt it.. If you are that concerned about a so called false-prophet or a church being led astray by false teachings then get on your knees and do some real intercession pray for this man and these people.oh and one more thingLord, you are awesome!! The year sincewould be punctuated by texts to McDonalds phone other womentellingher theyd been abused, too. With all of these public sins, why hasnt there been some public contrition from Pitts? she was kinda snotty! Please consider becoming a digital subscriber. ****There is soooo much more I could tell you about people and facts and craziness, but it would be a book****** Of course, why would he want to speak with someone who doesnt have any money? They were righteous. Is the harvest less than the seed? Pastor Pitts claimed complete vindication. I dont care that he wears a diammond ring gifted to him. touchy touchy arent we? John: To contradict your statement, the following was taken from the article posted in the TOLEDO BLADE on Sunday, November 30, 1997. At least as of a few years ago, he was living in a half-million-dollar home on 30 acres, wearing designer duds, and driving a Cadillac. I have aquantences, that used to be friends, that I heard started going to his church, and was curious because Ive heard some things about him. Circle C Ranch released its owninvestigation of the allegations at The Chapelon the Ranchs website in March 2021. I think it is socially and morally irresponsible to represent yourself as someone else, even if your intentions are good. On the contrary, I thought she spoke alot!! McDonald, a teenagecamp staff memberwho was at the Ranch working a winter churchretreat, sobbed through a confession Aarum had spent hours prying out of her astory of watching porn when she was 13. Investigate Cornerstone Church for Sexual Assault and Abuse Just as God saw fit to birth his son the first time through imperfection, he is still using imperfection to bring his Son to this generation. I cant make you think differently, nor can you make me. Soyou be the judge, is someone righteous base on what they do, or what they believe? Nor do I expect anyone to understand what its like to climb up out of a pit so dark that even IN the event the allegations were true against the Pastor [8], Pitts was consecrated as a bishop by the International Communion of Charismatic Churches in October 2009 for his oversight of the Cornerstone Global Network, a network of more than 120 churches. They choose before they write which way they want it to go and than make things up to slant it in that direction! I call it an organization because thats how he runs it. 38 people follow this. What kind of a moron would log into his book that he saw Pastor in a state park on a day when Pastor was out of the country. Pitts is not the end all be all in the Charismatic realm. Well, I Googled Pastor Pitts, and I was surprised to find that there was no mention anywhere on the Internet of his alleged indiscretions. It was the best decision Ive ever made. The CAC atBestSelf in Buffalo, New York brings together a multidisciplinary group of professionals to address child sexual abusein a child-centered environment. Juliejust an FYIPitts birthday is the end of August. You like talking in circlesyoure not really making a valid point here, especially when you need to bring River Phoenix into it. What I think we must look at iswhat makes a False Teacher (or Apostle) false, his actions or doctrine? After reading all the posts I just cant believe it.. instead of bashing Pastor Pitts we should be lefting him up in prayer.. What I dont understand is how these modern Apostles can have all kinds of stuff while there are needs in their church. People dont have problem with a church, until they see you building beyond the church structure itself. At that point, Carolyn McDonald briefly considered alawsuit, butdropped it after her lawyers saidit wouldbedifficult to bring her most egregiousallegations of abuseto court, because she couldnt remember whether she was 17 or 18 when they occurred. Hes completely unapproachable and has set up his organization so that the congregation worships him and not Jesus. But, I firmly believed I wasnt in a cult either.when I was involved. Leadership at both The Chapel and Circle C Ranch, and also Aarum himself, have beenconfronted withconcerns abouthisconductat least 20 times since 1997, according to excerpts from Aarums employee personnel file at The Chapel, andinterviews with youth group members at The Chapel,Circle C staff and pastors in the Western New York area. In 2009, Ferrante, now a program director at camp during the summers,spoke toWayne Aarum's father, Wes Aarum Sr., abouthis concerns. Charlton wrote here on RD back in March: Thesuit has been filed not only on behalf of the individual plaintiffs [8 at this point], but also on behalf of a much larger class of people allegedly abused as minors in SGM, who do not wish to come forward with their stories. Rather the DA, deputy sherriff or a Sherriff himself. You cant because hes notremember hes just a man and every man has the capacity to do evil. Pastor Pitts is annointed, and a lot of people in Northwest Ohio are envious. Follow her on Twitter @Sjtaddeo. Looking at his website, and how everything came to be, he talks more about how this is what he wanted (the ministry) and not enough about what God wanted. But I believe that people who give no grace to others better hope they dont ever need any. Half their stories are plagiarize and the other half has no facts. He resigned from the boardsoon afterward, he said. The Apostles in Acts gave everything they had to meet the needs of the members of their churches. Alert: Bishop Michael Pitts and other vipers preparing to strike. The park ranger on the stand lied about seeing Pastor Pitts on a few occasions, (since he had solid alibi of being out of the country preaching and was actually televised on those dates live preaching in those countries)So the judge called up the prosecution and the defense, they went into chambers and they proved purgery. As T.F. That is love! Circle C Ranch wouldultimately determinethe initial allegationswere false through its own internal investigation. Michael Pitts was identified and arrested in Delta, Ohio in 1995 for public indecency and did attend counseling for this arrest. [21] In 1998, Cornerstone Church purchased one of the last gospel radio stations in Toledo. I wish someone had opened my eyes and asked me these questions. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. This started a string of court cases that included the discovery of illegal activity and fraud by Mr Miller. And I frankly dont care who you are. Matt Hagee Issues Apology After Video Reveals He - ChurchLeaders It is easy to criticize the Cornerstone Church and Pitts until you analyze the situation. This terminology is a reflection of the false teachings that it supports. If my worst quality is loyalty, then I guess thats okay. app is safe and it keeps me connected to what I need most, thank you Lord, Dont waste your time or money with this church. Cornerstone Church is a biblically-based church that declares Jesus everywhere and leads believers in a life of resilient faith. Pastor Michael Pitts spent nine daysin the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio after state troopers pulled him over last December. Its called the 10 Commandments. [1], Michael Pitts was born in south Lima, Ohio, in 1964 to factory workers Eugene and Brenda Pitts. Who was without sin Christ was! And as far as the Pitts thing goes, if hes so great, why does everyone feel they need to defend him so strongly. Have you ever listened to him? Actually, God did show the truth, they just choose to ignore it. Cornerstone Church P.S. The people at Cornerstone are blinded to the truth because they worship him. Pastor Pitts pled guilty to trespassing. Defined under legal terminology, (in which I have an understudy degree in law) is most frequently referred to as a subpeona. Although he will likely never be as popular as he once was, with the help of friends like Mohler, he can continue to speak and earn a four-digit speaker fee. Hes just a man. The . His final punishment: 14 days of house arrest with an ankle bracelet and a $500 fine. I used to attend Cornerstone from the very beginning on Douglas through the the exposing incident. Truth always outlives a lie. LOL . Circle C Ranchpublishedmultiple statementson itswebsitein recent months,doubling down on the argument that Aarum has never acted inappropriately with teenage girlsin any pastoralrole. Obviously, he is above reproach. in any way. The statement was withdrawn after it drew widespread criticism. Kathy is a very benevolent and kind lady, (shes not outgoing at all) which is probably why you thought she was snotty. Any reasonable person would do this seeing as he lives in Toledo. Ferrante said hewouldspeak toWes Aarum Sr.about Wayne Aarumshabitseight or nine more timesbefore leaving his position at Circle C.Wes Aarum Sr. died in March 2020. I do believe in God. What we should concentrate on is the plank in our own eye and not the speck in our neighbors. I dont expect anyone to understand the blessings in tithing, unless you tithe with a giving heart. And, I am orginally from Cleveland, and the Blade is the worst newspaper in the State. Im done. In 2020, The Chapel hiredMinistrySafe,a consulting company supported bylaw firmLove & Norris thatprovidesthird-party investigations of abuse allegations in Christian ministries,to conduct an independent investigation into theclaims. Pastor Pitts was IDd by the boys at night while the cops shined a flashlight into the cruiser. None agreed to interviews on the record for this story, and they didnot provide additional sources who would be willing to comment on the record. Within a year, however, she said she would go to the police to report heruneaseabout thehabitsshed seen develop betweenWayne Aarum and teenage girls at the camp. There are others who have gambled everything doing far lesstell me why Pitts would be above it??? Because this was a completely separate incident and Pitts did go to counseling for the Delta incident speaks volumes about the criminal case regarding his indecent exposure. FYI: If you post on this forum again pretending to be Michael Pitts, Im going to personally send him an e-mail and then maybe the real Pastors attorneys can issue you a warrant. Ferrante, now 36 and living in Rush, Monroe County,eventuallybecamea full-time program directorat the Ranch, andsaid herepeatedlywitnessedphysically intimate momentsbetween Aarum andteenage girls, sometimes in deserted or secluded areas. They were seated off to the sidein the dining hall, while a few other people milled around. Ive seen those same patterns. Save. Citing client confidentiality, Dr. Forgac would not comment. Watching the people walk in brought back flashbacks of when I was part of a cultish church called the International Churches of ChristI checked out the website and an eerie feeling came over presents the church the same that the ICOC does. Well, coincidentally Cornerstone is not a cult. Michael Pitts has a church that is growing AND winning souls for Chirst, he is feeding the hungry, hes building a world class ministry from Toledo Ohio. The goodness of the Lord affecting all nations is a recurring theme of the Ministry of Cornerstone. Nobodys perfect, you should know that! Why didnt the church fold? Were always working on improving, thanks for highlighting this for us. Ive set under Pastor Pitts teachings for over 6 years now and I see him as the Billy Graham of our generation. Secondly: The majority of the sitings of indecent exposure were DOCUMENTED days of OUT OF THE COUNTRY travel of the pastor. Rachel Horvath alleges Wayne Aarums physical and verbal behavior toward her was inappropriate and abusive while she was on staff at Circle C Ranch in 2011. Doesnt it say in the Bible that you are to tithe to the church 10% of your wages? Toledo-Area Pastor Released from Jail After Serving Nine Days If this kind of a critical error could be made it is obvious that this man is an idiot who is incapable of trustworthy testimony because he may have forgotten what day it was! MAUMEE--A local pastor convicted of drunk driving is back home. His car was spotted near where several of the incidents occurred. He loves the congregation with all his heart, and he DOES point to Jesus in his preaching teachings writings etc. Religion Dispatches is your independent, non-profit, award-winning source for the best writing on critical and timely issues at the intersection of religion, politics, and culture. If someone wants to read an article on Pitts, they could do a search on the blades website. He was friendly and charismatic in public, and his 6-foot-3-inch frame commanded a roomwhen he delivered sermons about sin and salvation. So there are two possibilities: Can you walk away from the church today if you dont agree with whats being taught or do you feel like they have you so wrapped that you would have to sneak away and break all connections? You have a free will to go to his church. How can anyone in their right mind ignore the Delta arrest? The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Individuals canalsotext LIGHT to 741741 for crisis support with a trained counselor, 24/7 and free of charge. This public display of affection is just the latest in a long-running and highly public friendship. When a pastor resigns after his 77-church network is implicated in the largest evangelical sex abuse scandal to date, how long does it take for him to regain the trust of his colleagues? Mr. Smith said that as part of the negotiation, prosecutors agreed to return to the defense any evidence of Mr. Pittss counseling sessions with Dr. Gregory Forgac, a Toledo psychologist who frequently deals with sex offenders. First off, I dont go to his church nor have I ever attended or given him any money. He is just a man. Thats still no excuse to do what he did. I do not care about your efforts to attack me, but you all need Jesus. Dear IMpersonator, What exactly is the Cornerstone Church Affiliation? Unlike the other incidents hes accused of, at Delta Pitts was actually caught on the scene! In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. Why is it that since he has a big church, hes doing great things? Vengeanceis the Lords, Ademasaid. Its not spiritual warfare, its the truth. Keep your money in your pocket, since you have a better use for it. Hi Romesha, Thanks for your review. Im sorry she doesnt fit your stereotypical pastors wife. Then again, how can you objectivly judge Kathy when youve already misjudged her husband? Maumee, OH, United States JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF CORNERSTONE CHURCH TOLEDO Numerous people have come forward over the past twenty years alleging sexual abuse, harassment, exploitation, and assault from high ranking ministers at Cornerstone Church. It was normal to pick them in the first few days of camp they were pretty andthinteenagers, mainlystaff but sometimes campers,said Nicole Richard, 30, of Norfolk, Virginia, who worked at the Ranch in the mid-2000s and said Aarum touched her inappropriately and made comments about her appearance. Im still not angry, but it seems youd like me to be. (originally the Boston Church of Christ) presents itself to be the one true, radical church with the best teaching, discipling, outreach (Matthew 28.Go and make disciples was preached regularly in a way that the church operated on a type of pyramid marketing schemeyou had to be fruitful or you made to feel (somtimes rebuked)that you werent doing your job as a disciple) I noticed the Cornerstone website to refer to common terms the ICOC used like radical, first principles awesome renewing minds transforming. Self Guided "Detroit's Spirit and History" Solo Walking Tour, History Along the Maumee: A Self-Guided Driving Tour in Ohio, Private Antique Car Tour of Historic Belle Isle, Toledo Scavenger Hunt: Toledo Perspectives. CJ Mahaney, the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM), recently spoke at a conference called "Conviction to Lead 2013" at an SGM megachurch in . JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF CORNERSTONE CHURCH TOLEDO. Im an attorney and helped a small church that had a similar situation aka the pastors both were extremely ill. His roles asyouth pastor atBuffalo-area churchThe Chapelin the 1990s and then as presidentat Circle C RanchinruralCattaraugus Countyplaced him in close proximitytodozens ofgirls particularly youth group members from area churches, andcamp staff members. Anyway, yes, I noticed, as I said in one of my other posts, that his website has very little to do with God, and more about Pitts!! What a joke. The only man whos life im intrested in diggin around in is Jesus. If youve had experiences with Wayne Aarum that you believe to be abusive, please help us investigate. In fact, Cornerstone is not just a church, its a family. Youve got people who are actively making excuses or running interference, but you also have a lot of people who are passive and say, I didnt do anything, or Thats not my job, Drumwright said. Finally, both of Pastor Pitts attornies accepted Jesus and now attend his church as a direct result of the entire ordeal. Here you will find a variety of messages from Phil and Meredith Ryburn and the team at Cornerstone C. Toledo Bar Hunt: Holy Toledo, it's a Bar Hunt! We also are losing our insurance because the church cant afford it. How to they do it? I cant make sense of it, said RichFerchen, 52, who worked with Aarum at both The Chapel and the Ranch for decades. It quickly evolvedto include allegations of Aarums abuse at Circle C Ranch, all of which were ultimately included in the investigations findings. Thank you for making that information available to me. And its no wonder, these saying are born out of the doctrine that stems from the selfish foundation on which it was built. Jesus crossed many lines for you, laying down his life that you might have eternal life. Theres some thoughts to ponder Julie. Not just the ones called to a pulpit and their families. That wouldnt be the case if God wasnt with Pastor Pitts, but He is. Meanwhile,Adema, who alleged abuse from Aarum in the 1990s at The Chapel,confronted Aarum himself over a video callin early 2020. Pastors at The Chapel spent most of last yeararranging orsupportingmeetings between Chapel staff, Aarum orCircle C board members,and the growing number of women alleging Aarums abuse. I find it painstakingly difficult to believe he would post as Mike Pitts on this firum, because he wouldnt Once again, nice try. My opinion. It dawns on you pretty quickly that this is not appropriate, Smith said. Everyone says they always turn you down though, and you have to fight. He must be brushing up on his law. I would still really like to see the Delta Report. What does that matter? Others have expressed suspicion, nonchalance or patent disbeliefregardingwomens stories on social media, or in person at church meetings. Cornerstone Church - Gay Christian Movement Watch Isnt it funny how when you type michael pitts into the search field of this site you get links to go and look at his books at and Sheexplained how it took months of therapy to realizethat herinteractions with Aarumdidnt happen because he loved her like a father. - We all fall short of Gods laws. I dont ever want to give the wrong impression, and be a stumbling block because of misinterpretations of what Ive said. The focus is to keep people intimidated and blinded to the real issues. All Cornerstone campuses can use the information found in this app. I WAS in fact looking for some past info. But despite all the religious grandstanding, court records and media reports show Pitts cant seem to keep his private parts in his pants while he is in public places. Georgie Silvarole is the backpack reporter for the USA TODAY Network in New York, covering everything from breaking news to feature pieces. The effects of Aarums actionshave grown, spawning a black hole that consumedthewomenslives, they said,andrippedapart personal relationships and church alliances in the close-knit Christian community in Western New York. [7], Pitts has not attended seminary or theological college, but is self-taught from tapes, CDs, books, and other materials. Everything with regard to the exposing incident was so questionable and especially the Delta arrest. Thats why they will go to Pitts pleasure palace and parade around for the sheeple to snap pictures of them and utter nonsensical religious platitudes. Nate, you need to get your facts correct. The Craziest Things Cornerstone Church Pastor John Hagee Has Ever Said By San Antonio Current Staff Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church has been the victim of #fakenews in the past, sure,. I also think P.T. Actually, the Delta incident like you called it was proven to be false just like the other so-called incidents its hard for him to do those things when hes out of the country! wow this is a trip! I personally know that this man is SO narcissistic that he had a dental work overhaul done when Cornerstone first came to townbecause he thought his messed up teeth didnt project the proper image!! You need the Lords covering and to find a church that preaches His love and His true doctrines. He left his position at the Ranch in 2011. As far as the Delta incident goes there was no police line up, and a very poor description of the suspect. But during his tenure at Circle C,Ferchenadmitted that he saw Aarumclosely embrace girls, and that, on multiple occasions, he happened upon Aarum and a girlspeaking together in secluded rooms or spaces. Women whoallege inappropriate interactions withWayne Aarum as teenagers,manyof whom did not know each otherthen,gave nearly identical accounts ofhiscommon phrases andactionstowardthem. Shoot, while were at it, why dont we just put candles around him and pray in his name. [18], On September 18, 1997, Pitts was arrested on charges of exposing himself to passing motorists near Oak Openings Metropark in Swanton, Ohio. Does he teach that Cornerstone is the one, true church? PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Im not quite sure what to believe now. oh, and kat? How sad. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. If he didnt do these things, then you have nothing to worry about, right? He suggested they pray. But, the one thing that made me open my eyes to the reality of my church was the internet and a website called reveal. Pastor made no excuses for his actions and apolagized to the congregation. The answer, apparently, is 7 months. Pastor Michael Pitts NEVER goes by Mike. Do you have any idea what the tithes and offerings are for a 4,000 member church? The Craziest Things Cornerstone Church Pastor - San Antonio Current Ferrante would sometimes linger in those secluded locations, awkwardly making conversation, to ensure someone else was present. Cornerstone Church, Maumee, Ohio. But, according to the Bible, he does preach on tithing and giving. They also have issue with the fact that the church building and furnishings are so nice, but imagine how much it would cost in today. (obviously this is paraphrased) Dont be blinded by the charisma of this man. So I dont care that I am gossiping, besides Im not a pastors wife therefore I am also not bound by this imaginary code of behavior. Futhermore, you obviously did not really look into the Delta incident.
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