capricorn sun leo rising libra moon

Having a Leo moon you may have very high standards for partners and friendships etc. Im a libra sun Capricorn Moon with a Leo Rising, Male and im strong dominant and hardworking yet very empathetic, money is important to me, I also like to dress nice, and look nice but it also depends on how you were raised and how your parents were. Her circle of friends is made up of people who enhance her life. My Leo rising gives me a natural charisma and confidence. You prefer to throw the first stone, rather than see yourself wronged. They like to keep up with fashion trends and want their style to be admired by others. You are happiest in the role of leader. You dont struggle to find success; luck often comes to Libra Rising individuals through a partner, mate, or close association. A balanced combination of masculine and feminine energies in the Libra moon sign leads to stability and everlasting happiness, despite this signs tendency to startle others with its honesty. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. You possess an intuitive understanding that helps unlock doors to success. ), this fiery duo is always ready for connection! They are extra careful in everything they do and wear coats that last forever. In this blog post, we will explore the astrological rising sign of Libra Sun Capricorn Moon Leo Rising. Accordingly, you will have your own unique or special ways of doing this. Napoleon Bonaparte (Sun in Leo, Moon in Capricorn) Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (Sun in Leo, Moon in Aries) Benito Mussolini (Sun in Leo, Moon in Gemini) Martha Stewart (Sun in Leo, Moon in Sagittarius) Scorpio Rising, Virgo Sun This combination can create a no-nonsense, committed character. Like the scales of justice, the Moon in Libra is known for being an arbiter of elegance and balance. They will determine the quality of friendships and give them freely to others. Approval is what you want most of all. A Leo Rising finds love with a partner who enhances their light and speaks love into them. They seek stability in relationships and work hard to get what they want. In the combination of Capricorn with Libra rising, severity coexists with playfulness. Likely, you have a strong sense of setting goals for yourself and others. Ready for take-off? Since you are so romantic and starry-eyed, you may have difficulty contending with an inner Capricorn nature that is rather cold and aloof. They rule the 7 th house of love and relationships, and, to them, a life lived without love, is not a life lived well at all. He is more than a bit conservative in nature, preferring the tried and true to anything new that comes along. They are hardworking, stable, and dependable. Just how do you make positive use of your resources? Is love life a bit stale? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You have the ability to renew yourself, and accomplish anything you set your heart on, once you have learned to curb your pride and vanity. (This does not necessarily mean that you will stay married to the same person.) As a Leo Rising individual, you tend to have a large, beautifully shaped head, thick shining hair, a dazzling smile with bright, even teeth, and a stately bearing. If they are involved in an activity where there is a freedom of expression, then this person will find happiness and success. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon person is someone who is ambitious, patient, and easy-going. The Sun in Capricorn woman is an ambitious and confident lady. When these . Insults or minor affronts to your vanity or dignity are often met with disproportionate anger. When not given what you feel is your due, you can turn haughty, temperamental, and arrogant. You learn from mistakes and you increase your experience. They represent foundational parts of your personality, your life path, and your story. Of course, you are not this way all the time. Taurus makes you loyal and reliable, but those characteristics do not develop well in a cold and calculating sign such as Capricorn. The Capricorn Sun Leo Moon man This man will never be satisfied with what he has. Materialistic. These qualities allow you to develop your skills and reach the highest levels in a professional career. As I am a Libra, I was intrigued enough to look it up: "The sign position of the Moon reveals much about our habits, reactions, & instincts." [deleted] 36 min. Having a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you may repeatedly have your heart broken, becoming disillusioned and perhaps even bitter as you discover that others cannot always live up to your expectations. You may also have a strong sense of justice and fair play. Hes conscious of the impression he makes on others and how they perceive him. They will not overspend their money and will have nice things that are also practical. For this woman, life is a series of endless duties and responsibilities. You weigh a decision carefully, vacillating between one course of action and another; when youve finally decided you still hesitate. We are also able to use our determination and hard work to achieve our goals, without sacrificing our relationships. You may be a good economist, an ambitious politician, or owner of a large publishing company. You seek gratification through recognition, prestige and social status. She is often a contradiction herself, being both romantic and practical, ambitious and reserved. You are not one of those who fix things with temporary quick fixes. Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn moon sign is associated with ambition, hard work, and determination. Would be curious to see what you think would be the best fit MBTI for each of these characters based on their sun/moon/rising combo. The Leo helps to alleviate the heavy load that you carry, being responsible Capricorn. The Capricorn Sun-Libra Moon combination gives you a person who is hard working, careful, restrained, compassionate, and interested in higher knowledge. Distinguished by a great charisma and by a remarkable life energy, a Leo ascendant Libra never goes unnoticed and is capable of conquer with its charm instantly! They have a taste for the finer things in life, and are happiest when able to surround themselves with beauty, style, and comfort. With their keen sense of responsibility bolstered by Leo's fearlessness, these Capricorns can easily become the most confident, competent, and inspiring people on the planet. The Sun in Capricorn woman is likely to be conservative in dress and appearance. Although you are wise and intuitive, there are times when you are wrongbut you will never admit it. Libra is the sign of balance, but it doesnt take much to push Libra Rising individuals off balance. Buckle up because this dynamic trio wont let anything stand in their way! Once you have overcome or resolved your inner conflicts, you can put some of those insights of yours to work. Much more than the simple Capricorn archetype, youre an intellectual worker. Overall, understanding your Leo rising sign can help you to better understand yourself and your place in the world. You dont struggle to find success; luck often comes to Libra Rising individuals through a partner, mate, or close association. Many of you are benefited by an inheritance later in your lives. Omg. Your Leo Moon gives you very noble and lofty ideals. You likely have pragmatic instincts, a great attention to detail, and an inner need for structure. Capable of tremendous and frightening effort, you do not think you are right, you know it! The first thing you notice about someone with a Capricorn personality is their responsible attitude. You are extremely social-minded and take pleasure in being with other people in a cheerful atmosphere. It can give clues as to the kind of first impression you make. The combination of Capricorn with Pisces rising gives a human and spiritual universal consciousness. Were you born on a Capricorn Full Moon? The rising sign is the constellation that was rising in the east at the moment you were born. It becomes your basic identity, the main expression and end-all decision-maker in situations that impact you. So get ready for your life journey like never before with this unique celestial power source living within you. But beware! This alternation occurs in all areas of your life. You never get over the feeling that you are innately superior to other people, and you only feel fulfilled when you are giving the orders. The insight you gain from your observations in turn makes you an excellent diplomat. You are capable of wonderful accomplishments, if you dont let that ego of yours get in the way. by three powerful forces that work together to make some amazing magic if managed correctly. You Might Also Like: Moon Square Ascendant - Emotional Challenges and Potentials 3 Selective Charisma We typically associate fire signs with boundless charisma. Whether theyre bringing humor or sincerity into conversation (and lets be honestitll probably have both! When these two energies combine, it can be a powerful combination. Always weighing your options. So be determined yet kindhearted; hardworking while keeping your creative spark alive; fair but generous too! The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon woman shines brightly, loved by many. You can be a good soldier, since, in addition to discipline and obedience, you are the king of duty. Is it possible to be too creative? Just learn to tone down your act slightly and temper your arrogance, and you will never have trouble winning the admiration and respect your ego demands. You weigh a decision carefully, vacillating between one course of action and another; when youve finally decided you still hesitate. Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. It is not advisable for people to ask you for money, because your alligator arms will not reach inside your pocket. With Libra Rising, one of your problems is that you are easily thrown into despair and depression, especially by downhearted and discouraging people. You are the weirdest of Capricorns, since the eccentricities of Aquarius are not typical of a goat. Parties, holidays, laughter, fun, and good times are what Libra Rising individuals revel in. Your flamboyance is merely an attention-seeking act. Their motto is I want it done right the first time. A Moon in Libra gives a strong sense of balance and fairness, and theyre very good at juggling both sides of an argument. If you have Libra Rising, you have natural charm, grace, and poise. This is mainly because they love to hoard money, so they have time to spare for vacations, hobbies and leisure activities. For the Capricorn Sun Libra Moon individual, wisdom lies in introspection and couragethe courage to let your great Capricorn strength realize your dreams. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. You abhor the ephemeral. Saturn Trine Neptune Synastry. Having a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you are very romantic, but you also tend to idealize your lover. What you want more than anything is simply to be adored and appreciated for the wonderful human being you know yourself to be. You are also a bit timid about asserting yourself or giving substance to your ideas and aspirations. We don't collect your IP address. The Capricorn Ascendant makes Leo less extroverted, flashy, and spontaneous. As long as you keep that expansive ego within bounds, there is no end to the wonderful things you can accomplish in life. She is sure to please a group of peopleshes kind, thoughtful, and her cool head can often help you out of a tight spot. 28 Feb 2023 22:17:35 Basically, however, your spirits are optimistic and carefree. In your relationships, you will always seek balance and harmony, you dislike disharmony and discord. You might be surprised to learn that Sun in Capricorn people are probably the most romantic of the typical male signs. Even so, you are one of the most sociable Capricorns, and the one who puts more emphasis on physical relationships. Both signs feed your will, which is not only directed towards the spiritual but also towards the material. Leo Sun Capricorn Moon - Rising Signs, Compatibility, Man, Woman This is one of the most powerful combinations. He can be quite obstinate when he wants to be, and rarely lets go of his opinions or beliefs once he has latched onto them. Your patience and discipline make you a good mathematician. You love to put on lavish displayswhether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. Capricorns strong personal ambition conflicts with Libras need to be loved and appreciated. Leo Ascendant Personality Traits & Characteristics. For those rare folks born with a special combo of Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising - the proverbial '3-headed dragon' of astrology - their lives are blessed (or cursed?) Please leave a comment below and let me know. Your inner #goals-getter is sure to be satisfied! For some Capricorn Sun Leo Moon individuals, the pursuit of power can become all-consuming. Of course, you are not this way all the time. Somewhere along the way Libra Rising individuals are likely to gain wealth and material possessions through a marriage partner. The Sun in Capricorn mans tendency toward conservatism and his need to be in control is offset by the Moon in Libra. Venus tears away Saturns asceticism so that pleasure sensations prevail: eat, love, make money. While those with this rising sign are often gifted in many areas, they can also be prone to indecision and procrastination. They may suffer with dry hands or hands that tend to hurt at times. A pure Leo would be more playful and carefree than a Leo with a Capricorn rising sign. They are often able to defuse tense situations with their tact and diplomacy. She could appear well dressed on the surface, outwardly friendly and approachable, while harboring deep feelings of insecurity that prevent her from enjoying her relationships. You want to see everyone happyeven at the expense of your own happiness! Ask Leo they know! Leo Rising signifies nobility of character, high ideals, and great personal magnetism. They can be witty, charming and ambitious, with a great sense of style. Your ideas go beyond contact with people. They tend to be very patient and persistent and this is why they are often able to accomplish those things that others find too difficult. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon man can be authoritative and create a feeling of authority around him. All human beings are brothers and sisters to you. This person cares about harmony in the home and at work, preferring to have a comfortable, undemanding home life. You expect others to be just as devoted to you. She has a penchant for the aesthetic appeal. Having Libra Rising, you like travel, new people, new projects. As a rule, you dont have a lot of children, but you take great delight in those you do have. As an individual with Libra Rising, you are born with a great sense of fairness, and nothing angers you more than to see injustice go uncorrected. And what does it all mean? With Leo Rising, you are efficient at organizing groups of people and inspiring them to give their best. With a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon, you take yourself with utmost seriousness, and no one who knows you would dare make fun of you. Or maybe youre looking for more than an Eiffel Tower of stability and drama-free fun. Sometimes, you can even overreach and go beyond what is allowed. A woman born with the Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Libra is known for her spunk and independence. 1 If you suffer from heartache, try to get over it so you do not feel troubled, pessimistic and unhappy. Home Astrology Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising. Having a Capricorn Sun you may seem detached and cold at times, but this may also conflict your Leo Moon. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. At such times you simply put on your regal air and make sure the underlying knows in what contempt and low esteem he or she is held. You achieve your goals, overcoming any obstacle. With a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon, your attitude towards others is often patronizing, and some may even consider you arrogant. You tend to radiate warmth and charisma, and people are naturally drawn to you. The Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon woman is a complex creature who has many different sides to her personality. Jovial, competitive, and optimistic, people with this sun-moon combination are full of positive energy and intellectual curiosity. He may be a loner at times, but at other times he will crave for attention. Leo is the lover of the zodiac. They will likely feel the pressure of society on their shoulders to stay within the lines. She is a successful businesswoman who maintains a beautiful home life balancing work and family. And then theres that special trinket in this trilogy: confident leadership qualities from the rising Leo these folks know how to run a tight ship! Family and inherited traditions play an important role for you. However, Capricorns can also be quite pessimistic and skeptical, and they may have a hard time seeing the silver lining in any situation. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon natives can be seen as having qualities and personality traits of both signs. But they can be overly concerned about money burning a hole in their pocket. You have a strong sense of self-worth, but may never get over that inner feeling of remorse and melancholy. Once you set your sights on somethingbe it a job, a lover, a special prizeyou are almost guaranteed to get it. This sign is ruled by the Sun who is the giver of life and vitality. You may find yourself attracted to adventure and excitement. In fact, you feel wounded if your public doesnt put you in that position. Your aloof quality is sometimes hard for others to figure out, but it will never leave you even though you function so well with other people. Of course, the world does not always live up to anyones expectations, and Leo Rising individuals are puzzled and hurt by meanness and un-generosity. The influence of the Sun bestows enthusiasm, generosity, power, warmth, creative self-expression, passion, and courage. Leo Rising: Leo rising signs are associated with confidence, courage, and charisma. By walking this fine balance in life, your potential is limitless. Your inhibition restricts the possibility of developing your sensitivity. They may take on several roles in life, which often including that of a leader. Emotions never get the better of you. The combination of Capricorn with Cancer rising does not help you enjoy your path because youre too busy entertaining thoughts about new goals or new projects to start. The Moon in Libra type has a great deal of personal magnetism. The goal is to take advantage of them. (Note: Leo Rising individuals have a particularly soft spot for children and spoil them outrageously.). He has a strong drive to work hard in all that he does and to be successful. They are usually quite confident and self-assured, but they can also be quite proud and stubborn. They are often successful in whatever field they choose to pursue. You will have to express more romance and affection to your partner. True harmony and peace of mind can come only from within. They are often successful in whatever field they choose to pursue. As for the emotional, you need someone to increase your sensitivity. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them or avoid them. Love can be storm and strife for the fun-loving and sensual Capricorn Sun Leo Moon individual. Your keywords will be: secret, solitude, silence Om. You happily throw yourself into enterprises that promise excitement or diversion. Together, these energies can help make things happen in ways that impress even the stars! [removed] southsamurai 1 min. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. While calm and emotionally introverted, they show their affection by being protective. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tim is a father and works in the marketing field. If only your subordinates knew that, although you love to command, most of your dynamism is just bravado. You are a traveling goat. Another difficulty you have is making up your mind. Or was it a Leo Waning Gibbous? This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence. You are happiest in the role of leader. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A Capricorn sun Leo moon is going to need to learn when it's time to take the reins and when they need to be part of a team. Obstinate, proud, and patronizing, you can be intimidating to other people. As Leo is a generous sign, it allows you to share your triumphs. Leo also enriches your personality and makes life complete, interesting and socially active. Animate and immerse yourself in deep thought. (Note: Leo Rising individuals have a particularly soft spot for children and spoil them outrageously.). Penetrating, sharp, and curious because of your ascendant, you are a strange Capricorn. ago. The Sun in Capricorn Moon in Libra woman is the enchantress. With a Libra Sun Capricorn Moon, if you use your social talents exclusively to bolster your vanity, you may just become another Iago or Molotov. Capricorns are resilient, patient, kind, and tolerant. Their sense of being is that they want everyone to be happy. Good luck getting through all those cosmic checkboxes! Like your fellow Libras, you are charming, congenial, and outgoing, but deep down inside you probably feel a lot of uncertainty. Learn how these three zodiac signs intersect to make up who we are; from our personality . Your life is full of ambitions and you will never leave something half-done. They can also be warmhearted and generous, but also have a tendency to be proud and stubborn. Because you are so magnanimous in spirit, you find it hard to believe ill of others. They're authoritative and at the same time kind and amiable. Leo rising can give you a great deal of energy and enthusiasm for life. You test yourself and others to get to the truth. She can alternate between being flirtatious one minute and shy the next. Get ready for great things as both worlds collide success is ahead! This can create complications in love for the Sun in Capricorn, as he believes love should come before anything else, but also knows that his personal growth is extremely important to him. You may also want to find ways to nourish your need for attention and appreciation. The Sun in Leo Moon in Libra is bright, exuberant and self assured. They will be an artistic person with a strong interest in the arts. She seeks a safe, comfortable and beautiful place to call home. Do you know your astrological rising sign? You dont just work hard; you Moonwalk on the path to success with an unbeatable drive. With Libra Rising, you gravitate toward artistic and creative endeavors, but sometimes your artistic flair lies dormant and unused, for you dislike hard work and prefer to take the easy way out. Stay tuned for more information on libra sun capricorn moon leo rising! Having a Leo Sun Libra Moon, ,aintain a strong and healthy self-image by remembering that your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's, and stop paying so much attention to what others may be thinking! Youre an optimist by nature, and your sunny charm and buoyant wit can lighten the heaviest heart. The people born under a Libra Moon are imaginative and open-minded which gives them the ability to understand others point of view easily. Joys and sorrows, days and nights, pass by without you stopping to think about the here and now. Maintaining personal dignity and decorum is your number one concern. While they are appreciative of luxury and good fortune, their focus is on achievement. With Libra Rising, you gravitate toward artistic and creative endeavors, but sometimes your artistic flair lies dormant and unused, for you dislike hard work and prefer to take the easy way out. The man will possess an insatiable need for social refinement, which will give him enormous personal charm. In these cases, you can also reach total disbelief, as a contrast to total euphoria. Plus, its no secret that everyone is so drawn to those with such authoritative qualities as yours naturally compassionate mentors make all the difference! You have the makings of an ordained priest. You must try to become more flexible. Libra sun Capricorn rising; a loving mix The Capricorn ascendant brings some much-needed warmth to the sometimes-cold Libra, making it a great combination. You feel alone in crowds, but this does not weigh you down. They like to get people together and put on a show with their nice singing voice or acting skills.